Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A sickness plaguing the country

As much as it saddens me to hear of Robin Williams passing it is bringing the topic of depression into our daily conversation. With the State of Vermont demanding cuts in all departments by 4% due to overspending, and having the cuts affecting the way mental illness is dealt with.  Is it about time we start asking questions?

Why should the mentally I'll pay the price of mismanagement?

Some would argue that the Department of Children and Families should not see a cut. I feel the problem is much greater than how well we are able to assist these families. How on earth did we let our family structure and values get so messed up to begin with?

We as Americans do not look after our children and elderly the way we should and it is shaping our now defunct society into something we hope will correct itself so we do not have to deal with the unpleasantness of fixing the situation. 

This Next election I hope you all get out and vote even if it makes us unpopular. This nation needs a business plan not a country club!

That is all.